Asociación LatinoAmericana de Geofísica Espacial 


Latest news

New ALAGE directive Board

During the XIV COLAGE, the ALAGE general assembly, held on April 10 2024, voted for the next directive committee. We congratulate the new ALAGE directive board:   President: Dr. María Graciela Molina – FACET-UNT – Argentina Vice-president: Dr. Danny Scipion – JRO...

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JIREP International internship program

JIREP is an international internship program organized by Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory in Lima, Peru. Given its location, capabilities, and instrumentation, the Jicamarca Radio Observatory (IGP-JRO) is a unique research...

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Scientific Meetings


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How to become a member:

If you want to become an ALAGE member  please fill the form or contact the Information secretary.


Scientists active in space geophysics, residents of a country in Latin America or whose work is relevant to the region, approved by the Directive Board and based on the personal application of candidates.


Postgraduate students approved by the Directive Board based on recommendations of Regular Members.


Internationally renowned scientists, who in their respective countries have shown special interest in relevant programs in Latin America, proposed by the Directive Board and approved by the General Assembly.


Institutions or individuals who have provided a significant funding and support to the functioning of the administration and/or ALAGE activities proposed by the Directive Board and designated by General Assembly.